Cloud Based Payroll System with Time Attendance System

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Cloud Based Payroll System with Time Attendance System

The Payroll System was developed to Cover a wide range of production Environment.

Following Features are available in Payroll System

  • ● Interface Table Government rates concerning the Payroll system such as EPF, ETF, OT Rates, Contribution Rates, Stamp Duty Rates can be defined and changed at any time.

  • ● Transaction Table Unlimited number of user-definable earning and deduction makes the system flexible to face possible future changes.

  • ● PAYE Table Payroll package comes with a standard tax table for the year released by the Inland Revenue Department.

  • ● Employee Master Card Contains all personal information relating to employees with Allowances & Standing Orders with Stamp Duty, EPF, ETF built in with overtime rates.

  • ● Multiple numbers of loans can be created for each employee and automatically be deducted from the salary each month. Loans can be settled or adjusted at any time. Loans can also be suspended under specific requests.

  • ● Transaction Entry Entering of Monthly Transactions can be done through a user-friendly Interface which automatically brings out the Standing Orders and Standing Allowances of Individual Employees.

