Home / Products / Cloud Based Accounting System
Our Organization has introduced Web-based Accounting System for all types of organizations, which is very flexible and user-friendly system built on the latest technologies in the industry. The system was developed by a well-experienced professional who had over the 20 years of experience in the Financial Accounting area and cutting edge technology. The mobile accounting system was developed for fulfilling the existing customer’s requirement, who are with us for the past 18 years.
The Web-Based Accounting System Accessible through the internet from anywhere and ONLY FROM YOUR AUTHORISED PCS/ SMARTPHONES. No one else can access the Web Base Accounting System, if a PC/Smart Phone is not given the access from Server.
● Inventory Management for multiple Warehouse / Store Sales with Invoice printing, Sales Return, Purchase, Store Transfer, and Inventory Journal. Optionally, If you required offline POS System, We provide POS System which operates offline and uploads the data to the Cloud-Based System end of the day.
● Debtors Management System.
● 3rd Party Cheque Management System.
● Creditors Management System.
● Bank Reconciliation System.
● General Ledger.
● Multiple Branch Accounts can be handled in the Cloud-based e-Accounting System.
● Graphical reports and Graphical dash board and mobile user friendly.